Sir John Nelthorpe School

Sir John Nelthorpe School

~ Our Place in Time ~

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~ Our Place in Time ~

A Campaign for

Sir John Nelthorpe School and the community it serves

“Our Place in Time isn’t about buildings, it’s about the people who use them. Sir John Nelthorpe School remains the heart of the community. The school mission of providing the very best in education is matched equally with a commitment to foster a sense of community for the benefit of all”

(Mr T Nelthorpe, Chair of Trustees)

“Please support our campaign and make a difference for now and for the future. Together let’s mark 2019/20 as 

Our Place in Time, in the history of the School”

(Mr R Biglands, Head teacher)

Dear FriendThomas Clifton Parkinson-(1917)

Sir John Nelthorpe School is thrilled to announce the launch of its ‘Our Place in Time’ campaign. The campaign aims to raise the funds needed to redevelop the original school building and the adjoining performing arts facility to create a multi-purpose community meeting and resource centre, a community-accessible professional performing arts facility and finally to re-instate the original school building as the main entrance to the School for all visitors.

This campaign is being spearheaded by former pupil of Sir John Nelthorpe School and leader of North Lincolnshire Council, Cllr Rob Waltham (MBE), with the full support and input of the Foundation Governors, School Governors and the Briggensians Association Committee.

Our target is £420,000 of which we have already secured at least £100,000, with another £100,000 potential identified through a variety of funding and grants bodies. But as you can see, we really do need more support!

During the course of the campaign, there will be regular updates and information, such as more detail on the plans and on how to donate on both our School Website and through our Future First Alumni facility for ex-members of the school and also through email for those not directly associated with the school.

I have pleasure too in providing a preliminary plan which outlines the School’s aspirations for ‘Our Place in Time’.

This is the most transformative investment in the school’s more recent history, almost a re-foundation, and I hope that you will feel moved to be a part of it. This is your chance to make your mark. This truly is now ‘OUR place in time’ to make more history for this wonderful seat of learning and the community which it serves.

Yours sincerely

Mr R Biglands - Head teacher

Please take time to watch this video which shows a 3D visual representation of what we are aspiring to achieve with the 'Our Place in Time' project. 

Our Place in Time commemorative Mugs now on Sale!!

We are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to purchase a commemorative "Our Place in Time" mug. Mugs are priced at £5.00 plus postage where applicable.
For further information please contact Mrs J Taylor by email to

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If you would like to donate please make cheques payable to 
“Brigg Arts & Culture Centre”

Or you can donate online to 
Sort Code: 30-91-91 Acc Number: 38708560

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